Project: QGIS

Version: 3.8

Feature: Hash Line symbol type

QGIS loves cartography, and we know you love making pretty maps! So we've added a brand-new line symbology option for "Hashed Lines". This line symbol type is designed to replicate the ArcGIS Hash Line symbol layer type, and allows for a repeating line segment to be drawn over the length of a feature (with a line-sub symbol used to render each individual segment).

All options available for the existing Marker Line symbol layer are also available for hash lines, - e.g. first/last vertex, mid points, regular intervals, data-defined intervals, etc. The hash line length and angle can also have data defined overrides, which are evaluated per-line segment, allowing for the hash line to change size and angle over the length of a single rendered feature.

This feature was funded by anonymous

This feature was developed by Nyall Dawson (North Road)