Project: QGIS

Version: 2.14.0

Feature: Virtual layers

Dynamic SQL queries can now be used on any kind of vector layers that QGIS is able to load, even if it the layer format itself has no support for SQL queries!

A new kind of vector layer called "virtual layer" is now available for that purpose. These allow you to create a virtual layer by defining a query (including support for aggregates and joins) from other layers in your project. The resultant layer will be a live, dynamic view of the query result, so any changes to the source layers will be automatically and immediately reflected in the virtual layer!

The supported SQL dialect is SQLite with Spatialite functions. QGIS expression functions can also be used in queries. Any kind of vector layers can be accessed in the query, including multiple layers from different data providers to make joins.

Support for virtual layers has also been added to DB Manager as well as to the Processing toolbox where a new 'Execute SQL' tool is available.

This feature was funded by MEDDE (French Ministry of Sustainable Development)

This feature was developed by Hugo Mercier / Oslandia