Project: QGIS

Version: 3.30

Feature: New layer ordering improvements

New options for configurable layer tree insertion methods, and the automated sorting of layers added via drag and drop functions, are now available in QGIS.

The previous behavior was for QGIS to always load new layers above the currently active layer.

New options have been provided to allow for more control of how new layers are added to projects:

  • (Always) On top of the layer tree
  • Optimal index/position within the currently active layer's group

The optimal index will attempt to intelligently order layers by type (e.g. points on top of areas etc.) and provide a significantly improved experience for new users.

In addition, drag and drop added layers will be added to the layer index tree at the location of the cursor when released to ensure the layer is rendered in a predictable and intuitive manner.

This feature was funded by Funded by the QGIS user group Switzerland

This feature was developed by Mathieu Pellerin