Project: QGIS

Version: 3.16

Feature: Bug fixes by Julien Cabieces

Bug Title | URL (if reported) | URL Commit (Github) | 3.10 backport commit (GitHub) -- | -- | -- | -- QgsProcessingAlgRunnerTask started inside function crashes QGIS | #38583 | Won’t fix | Geometry generator symbol not rendered if the feature itself is not on the map canvas | #38579 | Feedback | Relation widget in input form tabs - NULL value filled with data in form | #38549 | Won’t backport (too risky) | (Closed) #38549 Warning message: Missing layer form dependency : layer 'layerX' requires layer 'layerY' to be loaded | PR #38802 | PR #38802 | N/A When embedding a layer, the display expression of a relation reference is not taken over | #38422 | Closed (FeatureRequest) | the keybord shortcut CTRL+C copy only the first cell, not the whole line | #37503 | PR #38810 | if shortcut is set for copy features then Ctrl+C not working anymore | #37401 | Duplicate #37503 | Organize columns not working if the table is empty | #38653 | Upstream (Qt) | Copy and paste style for forms ignores edit widget type | #37702 | PR #38836 | Keep order when drag and drop multiple widget | #37038 | PR #38844 | PR #39239 QGIS crash removing QgsAnnotation in python | #36098 | Feedback | Error in SQL statement for Virtual layers may lock layers in map canvas | #34378 | PR #38949 | PR #39023 Virtual field in virtual layer not found | #38523 | Feedback | Closed ID column for temporary layer is not detected when creating virtual layers using data source manager | #34830 | Won’t fix | Boolean virtual field unusable in virtual layers | #31798 | PR #38957 | PR #38748 fails to generate virtual geometry layer based on virtual wkt field | #28265 | Feedback | Closed virtual fields can't be filtered | #28072 | Not reproduced | Qgis crached after calculated field removed | #26486 | Not reproduced | sql "order by" does not work with the "Add/Edit Virtual Layer" feature | #29043 | Won’t fix | Form fails to initialize $geometry | #34791 | PR #39041 | Oracle - can't create or a modify a connection | #38979 | PR #39131 | Test connection Oracle DB ready - OK greyed out ! | #39116 | Duplicate #38979 | Scale dependent snapping does not activate as long as it displays the scale as "1:xxxxxx" | #39031 | PR #39133 | N/A

This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

This feature was developed by Julien Cabieces