Project: QGIS

Version: 3.16

Feature: Bug fixes by Alessandro Pasotti

Bug Title | URL (if reported) | URL Commit (Github) | 3.10 backport commit (GitHub) -- | -- | -- | -- Loading PostGIS layers with no specified geometry loads all features in the attribute table. | PR #35367 #38565 | Backport only | PR #38736 Server API: current project is not settable anymore | #38755 | PR #38758 | PR #38758 PostGIS layer saved in 3.10 project, fail to load correctly on 3.14 | #38567 | PR #38763 | N/A Server WFS-T 1.1.0 wrong case for totalUpdated, totalInserted, totalDeleted | #38558 | PR #38764 | TODO Server crashes on GetLegendGraphics when RULE does not exists. | #38766 | PR #38775 | PR #38794 Form view gets stuck in the last shown not-NULL-value for some attributes when browsing through data | #38552 | PR #38801 | TODO Marker line Simple marker rotation override not respecting follow line direction setting | #38716 | PR #38815 | Unable to dock the "snapping options" widget | #38604 | works for me | Can't read PG data sources when saved in version 3.10 and using service / auth combo | #38809 | PR #38833 | N/A DB Manager "cancel" button to stop a query is not working | #38092 | PR #38870 | N/A GDAL enhancement related to #38092 | #380922 | | N/A Shift values issue while creating new field under DB Manager | #38800 | works for me | Problem with VUV wms | #38924 | works for me | Data Source Manager: WMS/WMTS Window not resizable | #38903 | works for me, pending feedback | Form tab option "Show as group box" won't save or apply | #38539 | works for me | Scale lock is ignored when panning the map | #38953 | PR #38954 | N/A Zoom to layer overwrites locked scale bug | #38417 | PR #38954 | N/A Repeated column names cause visualization issues in DB Manager | #38976 | PR #38981 | N/A "show search_path" returns 0 rows | #38975 | PR #38981 | N/A PG NOTIFY not accessible | #38986 | works for me | Fix PG db-manager rename schema | #38998 | PR #39000 | N/A Several PG browser items UX issues | #39001 | PR #39006 | N/A Virtual vector does not load correctly on Windows | #35016 | works for me on windows/current master | DB Manager: PostgreSQL field comments are not displayed correctly | #38394 | PR #39026 | Only first row for Postgis raster table in DB Manager preview and when adding layer to Map canvas | #39017 | PR #39039 | N/A erroneous postgis query when trying to discover relations | #39036 | many additional tables that are already loaded in the project are loaded on project load because of layer dependencies | #39025 | PR #39043 | N/A Partial fix for : Wrong assignments of raster values to symbology Paletted/Unique values or Singleband Pseudocolor | #39058 | PR #39071 | N/A Allow to set precision for raster single band presudocolor classification | not reported | PR #39079 | Complete fix for : Wrong assignments of raster values to symbology Paletted/Unique values or Singleband Pseudocolor | #39058 | PR #39088 | Risky Failure with identifier sequence when adding feature | #39093 | works for me | Export report to PDF crashes QGIS if no layout is in edit mode | #39086 | PR #39135 | TODO PG raster: float rasters do not show nodata values correctly in master/3.14 | #39142 | #39142 | Python API call QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::TableProperty exceptions not converted to QgsProviderConnectionException | #39151 | PR #39152 | N/A DB Manager unable to show PostGIS geography column | #37666 | PR #39154 | N/A setting a field to NULL via field calculator freezes qgis | #39178 | PR #39257 | TODO Layer X: Feature has too many attributes (expecting 5, received 7) when "Automatic Creation of Transaction Group" is enabled | #39230 | PR #39267 | PR #39278 unreported crash when calling data provider's lastError on no errors | not reported | PR #39267 | N/A Crash digitizing a feature when transaction group is on (after save) | #39265 | PR #39283 | Transaction groups: not-current layers a set to not editable after save | #39282 | PR #39286 | not critical OGR decodeUri: be tolerant on layerName case | not reported but impact the QGIS-Documentation | PR #39328 | N/A Wrong extension handling in links when layer name has dots | not reported | PR #39346 | N/A Passwords are URL-encoded before base64 encoding for HTTP Basic auth | #39243 | PR #39347 | PR #39382 QGIS crash in Settings menu if NOT in english | #39430 | PR #39434 | N/A

This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

This feature was developed by Alessandro Pasotti