QGIS for Geospatial Data and Software Management (Geo Track)

Course typeQGIS for Geospatial Data and Software Management (Geo Track)
DescriptionThis course is presented in order to transfer a working knowledge of key Free and Open Source Geographic Information System (FOSSGIS) applications and best practices. ● The value proposition of FOSSGIS in comparison with proprietary software ● The platforms on which FOSSGIS can be used (desktop, cloud, mobile etc.) ● Fundamental concepts of GIS ● Using QGIS for data visualisation, creation, analysis, and publication ● Using PostGIS, an enterprise ready geospatial database for storing, analysing and sharing geospatial data ● The building blocks of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDi) and the key concepts related to the setup and deployment of an SDI Our course curriculum consists of four sections: Foundational GIS GeoSpatial databases Spatial Data Infrastructure Mobile Data Collection
Instruction hours112