Introduction to QGIS for "Aldeias Históricas de Portugal"

Course typeIntroduction to QGIS for "Aldeias Históricas de Portugal"
DescriptionTo learn how to install and use QGIS, access and present the data, style the data and produce high quality layouts with high informative content. The course can be attended also by people with little experience in GIS and cartography. It is needed to be comfortable with the use of a computer. Content: Introduction to QGIS Work environment configuration Projects Plugins management Vector data Properties, import/export, conversion between formats Vector theming and labels Coordinate reference systems Vector digitizing. The geographic databases PostGIS and Spatialite and QGIS Add layers from map servers: WMS, WFS, Google Maps Raster data Properties and theming Coordinate reference systems management and mosaics Georeferencing Advanced layouts/printing
Instruction hours16