Changelog for QGIS 2.12.0 ------------------------------------------------------- * General : New welcome screen * General : New expression functions in 2.12 * General : Mutually exclusive layer tree groups * General : User Interface Theme support * General : Filtering for field values in expression widget * General : Advanced settings editor * General : Ongoing improvements to code quality * General : Variables in expressions * Symbology : Export thumbnails from style manager * Symbology : New option for limiting size in mm when using map unit sizes * Symbology : Improvements to displacement renderer * Symbology : All color ramps can now be edited * Symbology : Improved handling of SVG marker outlines * Symbology : Add pixels as option for all symbology size unit choices * Labelling : Draw only labels which fit inside polygons * Labelling : Rule-based labeling * Labelling : Control priority of labeling obstacles * Labelling : Data defined control over label priority * Labelling : Data defined quadrant when in "around point" mode * Labelling : New options to control how polygon layers act as obstacles * Labelling : Option for obstacle-only layers * Print Layouts : Atlas navigation improvements * Print Layouts : Advanced customisation of cell background color * Print Layouts : Option to hide pages from view/export * Print Layouts : Custom format for grid annotations * Print Layouts : Multiline text handling and automatic text wrapping in composer attribute tables * Print Layouts : Add fit page to contents option and options for cropping exports to contents * Print Layouts : Force vector layers to render as a raster images * Print Layouts : Data defined control over map layers and style presets * Digitising : Digitising improvements * Data Management : DBManager Improvements * Data Management : Conditional formatting for attribute table cells * Data Management : Support for relative paths in widgets * Analysis Tools : Added number of vertices to derived fields in identify tool * Analysis Tools : Geometry Checker and Geometry Snapper plugins * Analysis Tools : Raster alignment tool * Application and Project Options : Encrypted password management * Browser : Improvements to PostGIS connections in browser * Data Providers : PostGIS provider improvements * QGIS Server : QGIS Server Python API * QGIS Server : getMap in dxf format * Plugins : Update of the GRASS plugin * Programmability : Maptools moved from app->gui * Programmability : Open scripts in external editor * Programmability : New classes for PyQGIS programs * Programmability : Editing layers via `with edit(layer):` * Programmability : New API for labeling engine (QgsLabelingEngineV2)