Spatial Mind

Organisation name
Spatial Mind
Ojstri Vrh 2 4228 Železniki Slovenia Europe
Organisation owners
Tomaž Šturm,
Organisation URL

Please provide access to your course outline/syllabi and a sample of the exercises, data and lectures. If there is a course website that will help too. :

I am sending you some of my QGIS materials: GIS_introduction and QGIS_introduction is for general workshops, FacultyExercises I use for students, QGIS_workshop1 and QGIS_workshop2 is tailored for nature conservation QGIS_instructions1 and QGIS_instructions1 are personalized manuals for specific users.
Materials are avaliable on

All the materials are in slovenian language. If you need some help with the language and materials you can ask Alen Mangafić ( who is important driver in OSGeo Slovenia.

Have you made contributions to the QGIS documentation and training materials? :

My main work on QGIS is focused on teaching people to use QGIS through workshops. I do my own workshops for public and private companies. I also teach geographical information systems and data quality at Faculty of information studies in Novo mesto (Slovenia) where the students use QGIS as a main tool. I am teaching QGIS for about 5 years and I already had more than 600 participants in my workshops. I divided QGIS teaching process in 3 levels: basic, advanced and professional with different exercises. Beside that I also provide tailored lessons based on users requirements – what kind of data and analyses they want to take.
I also write personalized manuals for some specific processes for different client based on their requirements and data they use.

Have you contributed to translations of QGIS materials? :

QGIS is not translated in slovenian language at the moment. We prefer to use English language. I am translating Qfield for QGIS into Slovenian language.

Have you authored plugins? :

I am part of the team in the LIFE Narcis project LIFE NarcIS is an ongoing EU project in Slovenia and is setting up a modern and digital national information system for nature conservation as a one-stop shop. The system NarcIS will provide easy access to up-to-date and reliable data on biodiversity, nature conservation data and other data relevant for effective planning, decision-making, implementation and reporting in nature conservation. The system will enable integrating large amounts of data from different sources, developing web-based tools for viewing and analysing it, and for communication between users and other information systems. GIS gives power to digitalize and georeferenced data on biodiversity, conservation and support data, to store them in one spatial database, to easy search and load data into GIS viewer. The nature conservationists will have an option to work with those data in one place combining them with other spatial data. The main gis tool in this project on our decision is QGIS which will be used with every nature conservation organization in Slovenia. We created plugin called Qnarcis for QGIS which allow users to access to more than 120 spatial layer, connection with Oracle database and in that way can easily check area for nature conservation restrictions. Plugin will be freely available to general public next year. More about developing the plugin can be found here:

Have you filed bug report? :
Have you financially supported new feature development? :
Have you provided financial contributions to and sponsorship of QGIS? :

My financial contribution mostly consists of organizing OSGEO event in Slovenia where I take care of everything and one of the thing is also to pay for some expenses for conference like hall rental, event recording, coffee and snacks for attendees … My other way to support QGIS is to attend FOSS4G + QGIS conferences.

Are you involved in your local QGIS User Group? :

Local QGIS user group in Slovenia is not established yet. I consider myself as a main driver of QGIS and FOSS4G in general, because I am organizing main event in Slovenia (OSGEO Slovenia) where open source software users with special attention on GIS meet. This year on October 17, 2024 I am organizing the 3rd OSGeoevent ( Previous event were recorded and presentations and video are also avaliable ( Usually there is 8 - 9 presentation (3 from abroad from valuable QGIS and OSGeo community members, 6 from Slovenia) and around 100 participants. I also organize at least one small event per year for smaller group (up to 20 persons) where we use QGIS for creating project and then QField/MarginMaps for field work. All those activities make people aware QGIS community is present in my country, although not in a formal form, and lots of them contacts me with some questions regarding QGIS or QField or MarginMaps and I help them for free as part of community awareness.

Have you published Open Courseware or Open Educational Resources on QGIS? :
Have you authored QGIS books? :

There is one book in Slovenian language QGIS available on line from last year. This book needs an update which will be done with author and my help to do the update with new and improved information next year.

Have you contributed to development/commits to QGIS? :
Are you aware that you will make a 20 euros donation to the QGIS project for each issued certificate? :

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