Julie's Data

Organisation name
Julie's Data
04111, 53в, вулиця Данила Щербаківського, Kyiv, Ukraine
Organisation owners
Oleksii Boiko, Yuliia Maksymova,
Organisation URL

Are you aware that you will make a 20 euros donation to the QGIS project for each issued certificate? :
Have you contributed to development/commits to QGIS? :
Have you authored QGIS books? :
Have you published Open Courseware or Open Educational Resources on QGIS? :

Here are the training manuals we made in 2020 for the GIS in spatial planning course.


We also have YouTube channels with some educational materials and videos about our crowdsourcing campaign in creating tools for spatial planning based on QGIS:

You can find more on our Facebook page - facebook.com/juliesdata

Are you involved in your local QGIS User Group? :
Have you provided financial contributions to and sponsorship of QGIS? :

QGIS Sustaining Membership Program (small size), from February 2023.

Have you financially supported new feature development? :
Have you filed bug report? :
Have you authored plugins? :

Actually, this is not a plugin but an opensource tool for spatial planning in the Ukrainian legislative environment.
These tools consist of the database in GeoPackage/Postgres and UI in QGIS, with symbolics and widgets for every database layer.
You can download it here:
Aiming to create these tools, we started a crowdsourcing campaign in June 2022.
You can read a bit more about it here:

We also made a presentation on this project last October:
Current project issues we discuss in a telegram chat - https://t.me/+va6AViC7d2tlZjk6

Have you contributed to translations of QGIS materials? :
Have you made contributions to the QGIS documentation and training materials? :
Please provide access to your course outline/syllabi and a sample of the exercises, data and lectures. If there is a course website that will help too. :

Our course is hosted on Google Classroom, where we work with students, and several thematic series of video lessons on YouTube.
Communication about current tasks takes place in the Telegram chat. Online meetings are held once a week, where we discuss topics that have raised the most questions from listeners.

We have created a new Google account for you and connected it to the course.
With this account, you can view the course content.
We have also opened access to several videos for the Google account below. If necessary, we will connect all course videos to this account.

The course is designed for beginners. Its purpose is to give a person without experience in GIS the necessary practical skills for creating urban planning projects and effectively working in community management - land management, accounting, etc.

The course covers topics needed to start working in GIS — the QGIS interface, finding and connecting data sources, importing and validating data, digitizing data, analyzing the data, online publishing, and printing maps.

All course materials are provided in Ukrainian.

Account for Classroom:
login: forqgis@gmail.com
Password: 12gfhjkm!
Classroom invite link (accessible through forqgis@gmail.com ): https://classroom.google.com/c/NDY1NzQ0MDE0NzE5?cjc=utsixkp
Telegram chat of the current group: https://t.me/+HV4OIiUO-FBkNjBi

Training Centers

