Project: QGIS

Version: 3.2.0

Feature: Project home path can be manually set

This new feature in QGIS 3.2 allows the project home path (which is used by the browser to create the 'Project Home' item) to be set by users for a project, instead of always matching the location where the project is saved.

This allows users to set the project home to a folder which contains data and other content, and is especially useful for organisations where QGIS projects are not stored in the root folder of a organisational 'project'.

Project home paths can also be set to relative paths, in which case they will be relative to the project saved location.

The path can be set through the Project Properties dialog, or by right-clicking on the Project Home browser item and selecting 'Set Project Home'.

This feature was funded by SMEC/SJ

This feature was developed by Nyall Dawson (North Road)