Changelog for QGIS 3.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------- * General : Remove zonal stats plugin * General : Remove dxf2shp converter plugin * General : Remove orphaned oracle raster plugin * General : remove TauDEM provider from core Processing * General : More help and possibility to configure location of the QGIS help files * General : Migrate Photo, WebView and FileName widgets to Attachment * General : Removed otb and lidartools providers from processing * Documentation : Processing algorithms enhancements * User Interface : Improved consistency to the user interface * User Interface : add search bar to the Configure Shortcuts dialog * User Interface : Add support for fine-resolution mouse wheel zooming * User Interface : Locator bar * User Interface : Color setting for map canvas north arrow decoration * User Interface : More non-blocking, inline editing * User Interface : Add an option to show user color schemes menus * User Interface : Improved map canvas' save as image * User Interface : Toggle visibility of opened panels in main window * User Interface : Enable tabbed floating docks * User Interface : Open layers in a single group * Symbology : Style management re-work and upgrade * Symbology : save and restore color ramp used for singleband pseudocolor rendering * Symbology : Data defined symbol layer visibility * Symbology : Raster stretch toolbar actions support for pseudocolor renderer * Symbology : Support setting of color and transparency on multiple items for raster renderers * Symbology : Show an alpha slider in color button drop down menu * Symbology : Transparency support for paletted renderer * Symbology : Control over annotation contents margins * Symbology : Annotations can be styled using fill symbol styles * Symbology : NEW MAP COLORING ALGORITHMS IN QGIS 3.0 * Symbology : Allow symbol layers to be temporarily disabled * Symbology : New "preset" colors color ramp option * Symbology : Point cluster renderer * Symbology : New color ramp button widget * Symbology : raster auto-stretching when updating canvas * Symbology : Add Points and Inches to available symbol units * Symbology : Easy styling of discrete rasters * Labelling : Allow label font size in mm/pixels * Labelling : Custom labelling toolbar is now always enabled * Diagrams : Data definable properties * Rendering : Live layer support * Rendering : Trigger layer refresh or layer actions from PostgreSQL NOTIFY signal * Rendering : Cache labeling result to avoid unnecessary redraws when refreshing canvas * Rendering : Grid renderer for points displacement * 3D Features : 3D map view and terrain generation * 3D Features : 3D renderers for map layers * Print Layouts : Control over drawing of composer table grid horizontal & vertical lines * Print Layouts : Drag qpt to QGIS to create new composer from template * Print Layouts : Allow customization of line spacing for composer legend item labels * Print Layouts : Holding shift while drawing polyline/polygon constrains line angles * Print Layouts : More data definable controls * Print Layouts : Allow choice of CRS for map items * Print Layouts : Map Composer Overhaul * Expressions : New expression variables for map settings * Expressions : New expression variables * Expressions : New expression functions * Expressions : Expose @parent variable in aggregate functions * Expressions : item_variables expression function inside compositions * Expressions : new global expression variable @qgis_locale * Digitising : Added functionnality to copy/move feature to move feature map tool * Digitising : Move feature now benefits from Advanced Digitizing * Digitising : Add default Z value option * Digitising : Range vertex selection in node tool * Digitising : Tracing with offset * Digitising : Overhaul of the Vertex tool * Digitising : Vertex tool: mid-point markers to add vertices * Digitising : Vertex tool: continue line * Digitising : Vertex tool: support for advanced digitizing panel * Data Management : Pan to current feature in attribute table * Data Management : Map of CRS-extent in Project properties * Data Management : Metadata overhaul * Data Management : Auxilliary Storage Support * Data Management : Unified data source manager dialog * Data Management : OSM Downloader tool removed * Forms and Widgets : Show field values in autocompleter in form filter mode * Forms and Widgets : Allow configuring link/unlink feature buttons on relation editor widget * Forms and Widgets : Field constraints can be enforced or not * Forms and Widgets : Add layer scoped actions * Forms and Widgets : conditional visibility for tabs and groupboxes * Forms and Widgets : Add between/not between to numerical fields in select by form * Forms and Widgets : Add zoom to features and flash features shortcuts in select by form dialog * Forms and Widgets : Allow controlling labels for individual edit widgets * Forms and Widgets : Smarter default edit widgets with plugins to pick them * Layer Legend : Hide Deselected Layers action * Layer Legend : Change of ergonomy of the visibility of layers inside groups * Analysis Tools : Raster unique values count for processing * Processing : Add choice of simplification method to simplify * Processing : New algorithm to orthagonalize geometries * Processing : New algorithm for offsetting lines * Processing : pole of inaccessibility algorithm * Processing : New algorithm for single sided buffers * Processing : expose zonal statistics from Zonal statistics plugin in toolbox * Processing : add a spatialite execute SQL algorithm * Processing : add import into spatialite algorithm * Processing : New extract by expression algorithm * Processing : Angle threshold for smooth algorithm * Processing : support for output geometry types in models * Processing : Interpolation algorithms * Processing : SplitWithLines * Processing : Port heatmap plugin to processing algorithm * Processing : New input type for expressions * Processing : Better support for Z/M dimensions and curved geometries * Processing : New algorithm to extend lines * Processing : Raster analysis algorithms added to Processing * Processing : Create attribute index algorithm * Processing : New universal 'basic stats for field' algorithm * Processing : added ‘invalid feature handling’ option * Processing : New 'drop geometries' algorithm * Processing : Extract by attribute can extract for null/notnull values * Processing : New algorithm to truncate tables * Processing : algorithm to fix invalid geometries using native makeValid() implementation * Processing : Export processing models as PDF/SVG * Processing : Network analysis algorithms * Processing : improved Extract nodes algorithm * Processing : add search to Get Scripts and Models dialog * Processing : New algorithm for translating (moving) points * Processing : Generic centroid algorithm * Processing : New raster unique values report algorithm * Processing : Download a file from Processing * Processing : remove TauDEM provider from core Processing * Processing : New algorithm to extract specific nodes * Processing : Optimised points along geometry algorithm * Processing : Improved processing modeler window * Processing : Snap geometries to layer algorithm * Processing : New algorithm to compute geometry by expression * Processing : Sort by expression algorithm * Application and Project Options : Add support for user profiles * Application and Project Options : New zipped project file format .qgz * Browser : Drag'n'drop layers from layer tree view to browser dock * Browser : Standalone QGIS Browser application removed * Data Providers : New unified 'add layer' dialog * Data Providers : GeoPackage * Data Providers : Support all GDAL writable raster formats for 'Save as' dialog on raster layers * Data Providers : Support for Z/M geometries in gpkg, spatialite and memory layer provider * Data Providers : Unique and not-null constraint handling * Data Providers : GeoNode integration * Data Providers : Detect literal default values for spatialite provider * Data Providers : Create attribute index support for spatialite provider * Data Providers : Add support for arrays * Data Providers : Support for HStore in PostGIS data provider * Data Providers : Add auto-discovery of relations for PostgresQL * Data Providers : Data dependencies between layers * Data Providers : dxf export: support reprojection * Data Providers : Load/save style in database for GPKG and Spatialite * Data Providers : Improved handling of defaults * QGIS Server : Possibility to segmentize feature info geometry in server * QGIS Server : QGIS Server overhaul * Plugins : Offline editing: Add flag to only copy selected features * Plugins : allow installing plugins from local ZIP packages * Plugins : Remove trusted status from Plugin Manager * Plugins : GDALTools moved to Processing * Plugins : Plugins can provide a custom help in Expression window * Programmability : API to allow drag'n'drop of custom browser items * Programmability : Task manager * Programmability : Geometry class updates