Geo-ICT Training Center, Nederland

Organisation name
Geo-ICT Training Center, Nederland
Wapenrustlaan 11 - 31
Organisation owners
Anton Schutte,
Organisation URL

Please provide access to your course outline/syllabi and a sample of the exercises, data and lectures. If there is a course website that will help too. :

On you can choose category GIS and you will find several QGIS courses.

Have you made contributions to the QGIS documentation and training materials? :

We have materials in dutch which we are willing to share.

Have you contributed to translations of QGIS materials? :

We have materials in dutch which we are willing to share.

Have you authored plugins? :

No not yet

Have you filed bug report? :

No not yet.

Have you financially supported new feature development? :

Yes, we are willing to support feature development.

Have you provided financial contributions to and sponsorship of QGIS? :

We have paid the membership fee for the Dutch User Group, and we are willing to support QGIS projects. Specifically, we want to invest in the development of MOOCs.

Are you involved in your local QGIS User Group? :

Yes we are members of QGIS Users Netherlands.

Jeroen Hovens
Penningmeester QGIS Gebruikersgroep Nederland
+316 41 900 270

Have you published Open Courseware or Open Educational Resources on QGIS? :

We frequently use the course materials from and have added our own exercises and case studies tailored to the Dutch market.

Have you authored QGIS books? :

Yes, we are interested in QGIS books. We have already purchased the book QGIS Hydrology and the book QGIS for Surveyors and Road Designers.

Have you contributed to development/commits to QGIS? :

Yes, we are members of QGIS Users Netherlands, and we are willing to support QGIS projects.

Are you aware that you will make a 20 euros donation to the QGIS project for each issued certificate? :

Training Centers

