Organisation name
Torre Morazan 1 Local 11603 Blvd Morazan, Distrito Central Francisco Morazan, Honduras
Organisation owners
Antonio Locandro,
Organisation URL

Please provide access to your course outline/syllabi and a sample of the exercises, data and lectures. If there is a course website that will help too. :

Training material is geared QGIS within the aviation niche, this is a first course by a client that has a regulatory need to have official training but they want it specific for what they do and no need to know all the tools in GIS they will not be using

QGIS Introduction for PANS OPS

Day 1 (3 hrs)

  • Introduction to QGIS Project and different versions (Long Term Release LTR vs Normal Releases vs Developer Releases)
  • QGIS installation options
  • User Interface tools applicable for PANS OPS
  • Exercise about loading aviation data and styling it including AIXM data
  • Producing a Simple Map Layout for printing

Day 2 (3 hrs)

  • Working with Raster Data (DTM, Images, etc)
  • Georeferencing Exercise of Satellite Imagery
  • Precision Drawing with CAD like tools
  • Documenting bugs and feature requests for enhancements
Have you made contributions to the QGIS documentation and training materials? :

Very small contributions over the years

Have you contributed to translations of QGIS materials? :
Have you authored plugins? :
Have you filed bug report? :

Have you financially supported new feature development? :

I am about to sponsor a new development for tables together with North Road if all goes well

Have you provided financial contributions to and sponsorship of QGIS? :

I have provided contributions as Antonio Locandro

Are you involved in your local QGIS User Group? :

There is no local QGIS Honduras group as I recall

Have you published Open Courseware or Open Educational Resources on QGIS? :

Unfortunately even though I have some QGIS resources they are not openly available due to business restrictions placed by companies that hire the work, I do have some Youtube videos on my channel

Have you authored QGIS books? :
Have you contributed to development/commits to QGIS? :

I have contributed over the years in a small capacity as I am not a developer but I did the initial North Arrow implementation and I also tend to use the latest development branch and report errors

Are you aware that you will make a 20 euros donation to the QGIS project for each issued certificate? :

Training Centers

