Project: QGIS

Version: 2.16.0

Feature: New PyQGIS classes in 2.16

New core classes

New GUI classes

Reusable widgets:

  • QgsMultiEditToolButton - a tool button widget which is displayed next to editor widgets in attribute forms, and allows for controlling how the widget behaves and interacts with the form while in multi edit mode
  • QgsSearchWidgetToolButton - a tool button widget which is displayed next to search widgets in forms, and allows for controlling how the widget behaves and how the filtering/searching operates
  • QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedConfigWidget - a widget to configure layer tree embedded widgets for a particular map layer
  • QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetProvider - provider interface to be implemented in order to introduce new kinds of embedded widgets for use in layer tree
  • QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistry - registry of widgets that may be embedded into layer tree view
  • QgsAttributeFormEditorWidget - a widget consisting of both an editor widget and additional widgets for controlling the behaviour of the editor widget depending on a number of possible modes
  • QgsComposerItemComboBox - a combo box which displays items of a matching type from a composition
  • QgsCompoundColorWidget - a custom QGIS widget for selecting a color, including options for selecting colors via
  • hue wheel, color swatches, and a color sampler
  • QgsDockWidget - QDockWidget subclass with more fine-grained control over how the widget is closed or opened
  • QgsFocusWatcher - a event filter for watching for focus events on a parent object
  • QgsGradientStopEditor - an interactive editor for previewing a gradient color ramp and modifying the position of color stops along the gradient
  • QgsMapLayerConfigWidget - a panel widget that can be shown in the map style dock
  • QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory - factory class for creating custom map layer property pages
  • QgsPanelWidget - base class for any widget that can be shown as a inline panel
  • QgsPanelWidgetWrapper - inline panel wrapper widget for existing widgets which can't have the inheritance tree changed, e.g dialogs
  • QgsPanelWidgetStack - a stack widget to manage panels in the interface
  • QgsShortcutsManager - a class that contains a list of QActions and QShortcuts that have been registered and allows their shortcuts to be changed
  • QgsTableWidgetItem - this can be used like a regular QTableWidgetItem with the difference that a specific role can be set to sort
  • QgsHillshadeRendererWidget - renderer widget for configuring the hill shade renderer
  • QgsRasterTransparencyWidget - widget for controlling a raster layer's transparency and related options
  • QgsArrowSymbolLayerWidget - renderer widget for configuring arrow symbol layers

Reusable dialogs: