Project: QGIS

Version: 2.16.0

Feature: Constraints on widgets

In previous QGIS versions there was no way to check the validity of values entered by a user for a feature's attributes. Now, a user can specify a constraint on each widget in an layer's attribute form. Constraints are created using QGIS' expressions, eg "min_population" > 50000. A "Not Null" checkbox is also available to indicate that a value must be entered for the field. Additionally, descriptive text can be added to give the user helpful feedback when a constraint fails.

Constraints are evaluated on the fly while a user is modifying a feature. A tooltip is available on any field having a constraint, showing the constraint's expression, the result of the evaluation and a description of the constraint. A message bar will also displayed at the top of the form summarizing any fields which do not meet the constraint criteria.