Project: QGIS

Version: 2.14.0

Feature: N:M relation editing

This adds the possibility to manage data on a normalised relational database in N:M (many to many) relations. On the relation editor in a form, the tools to add, delete, link and unlink also work on the linking table if a relation is visualized as a N:M relation.

Configuration is done through the fields tab where on the relation a second relation can be chosen (if there is a suitable relation in terms of a second relation on the linking table).


QGIS is not a database management system.

It is based on assumptions about the underlying database system. In particular:

  • it expects a ON DELETE CASCADE or similar measure on the second relation
  • does not take care of setting the primary key when adding features. Either users need to be instructed to set them manually or - if it's a database derived value - the layers need to be in transaction mode

This feature was funded by République et canton de Neuchâtel, Ville de Pully, Ville de Vevey

This feature was developed by Matthias Kuhn