Project: QGIS

Version: 2.12.0

Feature: Digitising improvements

In QGIS 2.10 we mentioned that there is a new geometry architecture for QGIS but that not all features were supported in the digitising tools. With QGIS 2.12 we now have editing support for the creation of curves / 'circular strings`. Note again that you need to be using a data provider (e.g. PostGIS, GML or WFS) that supports curves. These improvements to the digitising tools were also added in QGIS 2.12:

  • tool to add circular strings with two points and radius
  • tool to add circular strings with start point, curve point and end point
  • allow escape to cancel drawing new features
  • display a node table when editing using node tool, allowing you to manually enter the exact x and y coordinates for nodes, as well as the z and m values (depending on layer type)

Additionally, more of the geometry editing and modification tools were updated to work correctly with layers containing z or m dimensions.

This feature was developed by: Marco Hugentobler at Sourcepole AG This feature was funded by: Canton of Solothurn