Project: QGIS

Version: 2.12.0

Feature: getMap in dxf format

It is now possible to retrieve the result of a GetMap WMS request in DXF format. It supports the same features and options as available in QGIS desktop. With the same limitations.

Sample URL: map=/path/to/your/projectfile.qgs& SERVICE=WMS& VERSION=1.3.0& REQUEST=GetMAP& FORMAT=application/dxf& FORMAT_OPTIONS=SCALE:500;MODE:SYMBOLLAYERSYMBOLOGY& FILE_NAME=youroutputfilename.dxf& CRS=EPSG:EPSG:21781& BBOX=695558.73070825,244430.77224034,697158.88528251,245722.25976142& WIDTH=1042& HEIGHT=841& LAYERS=yourdxfexportlayers

See also QGIS server tutorial for all the available options.

In the screenshot you see QGIS Web Client on the left with the DXF export functionality (utilizing QGIS server) and the same extent viewed in Autodesk TrueView on the right.

This feature was developed by: Marco Hugentobler Sourcepole AG This feature was funded by: City of Uster