Project: QGIS

Version: 3.30

Feature: Bug fixes by Alessandro Pasotti

Bug Title | URL (if reported) | URL Commit (Github) | 3.28 backport commit (GitHub) -- | -- | -- | -- Add Row does not work with postgres identity columns that have many characters | #51563 | PR #51641 | PR #52059 If some layers are not identifyable, QGIS Server WMS "GetFeatureInfo" returns LayerNotQueryable | #51613 | PR #51646 (tests only, cannot reproduce) | N/A Research and diagnosys on: Bug or new behaviour on default fields values on QGIS 3.28.X | #51543 | Asked feedback to the original developer of the "feature" | [ogr provider] Saving big CSV edit is very slow when the whole file has to be updated (such as adding a new field) | #51668 | PR #51686 | PR #51700 Vector data - Graduated Symbology - Legend Format - Only use upper limit | #51691 | PR #51692 | PR #51696 Weird interval QgsDoubleSpinbox behavior in graduated symbology with fixed interval | #51687 | PR #51714 | No Project predefined scales are trimmed at thousand separator after project restart/reopening properties | #51735 | PR #51749 | PR #51766 wms getLegendGraphic call the group and not the layer when many style layers add from browser | #51759 | PR #51765 | No overlay_intersects' does not work with WFS-layer | #51492 | PR #51773 | PR #51793 multiedit in attribute table not working properly in version >=3.22 | #48077 | PR #51801 | Risky? Key/Value expression constraint is not updated | #51791 | PR #51804 | PR #51811 Float fields created in ArcGIS are converted into Real 12, 11 - Precision is too high | #51849 | Won't Fix | CSV datasource not converted from 3.16 to 3.22 correctly - projects not usable anymore | #48587 | PR #51881 | PR #51950 Changes on geometry get discarded on save edits when layer filter is enabled (gpkg layer) | #51934 | Works for me | If a widget default value is setup as NULL then it's not working as it's overriden by database column default | #51818 | Won't Fix (probably: still debating) | Can't use raster Unique values symbolgogy for Integer rasters with a single value of 1 | #51822 | PR #51975 | PR #51979 PyQGIS QgsPolygon creation crashes | #51978 | PR #52004 | TODO

This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

This feature was developed by Alessandro Pasotti