Project: QGIS

Version: 3.26

Feature: Add a checkbox to disable vertex tool dock auto-opening behavior

The vertex tool dock now has a new checkbox for "Auto-open table", which is checked by default and retains the existing behavior.

If a user opts to uncheck this, then the vertex editor dock auto open/close behavior will be disabled, leaving the dock as regular QGIS dock which behaves the same as any other dock.

This is desirable in situations when:

  • The user is editing in a full screen session with docks hidden, and doesn't want the vertex editor dock to keep opening itself
  • The user has a heavily customized setup of stacked/tabbed/rearranged docks, and doesn't want the vertex editor dock to keep appearing and disappearing and causing other docks to be rearranged

If a user has opted out of the auto-open table behavior, then the dock can be closed and won't show immediately when switching to the vertex tool. The dock can then be re-opened either through the standard Views - Panels menu (or by right clicking a toolbar), OR through a new "Show Vertex Editor" action which has been added to the dropdown menu for the vertex editor toolbar button.

This feature was funded by SevenCs GmbH

This feature was developed by Nyall Dawson (North Road Consulting)