Project: QGIS

Version: 3.24

Feature: Bug fixes by Nyall Dawson

Bug Title | URL (if reported) | URL Commit (Github) | 3.22 backport commit (GitHub) -- | -- | -- | -- Add .tsv extension to delimited text supported files filter | reported on youtube screencast | PR #47181 | pending Fix line anchor placements are reversed for labels which sit below lines | unreported | PR #47181 | PR #47181 Fix incorrect return code from QgsProcessingModelAlgorithm::fromFile when file does not exist | unreported | PR #47161 | PR #47162 Fix many georeferencer regressions | multiple | unreported | pending Avoid some unwanted "unhandled exception" message boxes which can pop up while moving the mouse | reported on youtube screencast | PR #47138 | PR #47154 Don't use custom palette in crash handler dialog, this results in unreadable text on dark themes | #47065 | PR #47110 | PR #47136 Don't slightly colorise the icons for selected items in lists | #47065 | PR #47133 | not suitable Fix python exception raised after running in-place algorithm which requires no parameters | reported on youtube screencast | PR #47108 | PR #47130 Fix labelling shown for features out of range of temporal controller dates | #45160 | PR #47119 | PR #47126 Fix line dependent orientation rendering of curved labels | #45051 | PR #47118 | PR #47137 When processing is initialized in external scripts, ensure the GRASS, SAGA and OTB providers are included by default | #45935 | PR #47114 | PR #47121 Show descriptive error when label rotation tool cannot be used because of invalid expressions | #47091 | PR #47112 | not suitable QgsRasterDataProvider.block() returns invalid QgsRasterBlock if requested block size exceeds a certain threshold | #47097 | PR #47106 | PR #47129 Fix missing icons for array field types | #47078 | PR #47086 | not suitable Use correct approach to unset data defined field for label position when auxiliary column is removed | #46403 | PR #47085 | PR #47088 Fix atlas sorting with complex field names | #40332 | PR #47083 | PR #47103 improve field handling when converting to rule-based | #46459 | PR #47081 | PR #47104 Fix 'Save all Styles/Save current Style' only appears after close/reopen the layer properties window | #46596 | PR #47080 | not suitable Fix readability of text when using dark themes | #47065 | PR #47071 | PR #47074 Fix sqlite errors on startup caused by default style database import logic | unreported | PR #47070 | not suitable Fix color widgets incorrectly change colors when mouse is hovered over widget | unreported | PR #47069 | PR #47077 Avoid crs definition errors when closing options dialog | #47014 | PR #47061 | n/a Fix duplicate shortcut registered warning on startup | unreported | PR #46983 | not suitable Fix scroll wheel events get "stuck" when scrolling to bottom of areas | unreported | PR #46958 | PR #46987 Flag a lot of situations where ballpark transforms are appropriate so warnings are not shown | #45621 | PR #46957 | PR #46961 Fix crashes when saving layer styles | #46954 | PR #46955 | not suitable Fix broken merge features tool | unreported | PR #46924 | n/a [mssql] Fix provider on case-sensitive database locales | #46907 | PR #46923 | PR #46949 [mssql] Fix inserting features when pk attribute name contains special chars | #42290 | PR #46876 | PR #46903

This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

This feature was developed by Nyall Dawson