Project: QGIS

Version: 3.24

Feature: Bug fixes by Alessandro Pasotti

Bug Title | URL (if reported) | URL Commit (Github) | 3.22 backport commit (GitHub) -- | -- | -- | -- Wrong raster projection on HIDPI screens | #46882 | PR #46931 | TODO Data Source Manager title not translatable | #46929 | PR #46932 | TODO QGIS 3.22 - Identical map names in print composer | #46927 | Works for me | Bold and italic attributes of labels that reinitialize | #46896 | Works for me | NameError: name 'QGISAPP' is not defined when using stop_app() | #46883 | Works for me on Linux/master, might be windows only | Virtual layer not loaded correctly after re-opening a project | #46834 | PR #46938 | TODO QGIS crashes while calling readLayerXml() | #46741 | Works for me | Crash when changing orientation of page in layout | #46575 | PR #46972 | TODO "sort" funcionality of attributes table sort numeric fields as text | #34935 | PR #47035 | TODO OAPIF: api-key not included when requesting /collections endpoint | #46535 | PR #47145 | TODO XML notation if missing from tooltips in vector file writer dialog | #46508 | PR #47148 | TODO Ignore out of range option in interpolated symbol renderer creates artifacts if start value is out of range | #46362 | PR #47174 | TODO start width > end width is ignored when using the "exact" color interpolation method | #46371 | PR #47195 | TODO QGIS Layouts: using "Data defined override" for HTML Source URL not working | #34395 | works for me (closed - not a bug) | (Un)force hide form in relation widget | #47226 | PR #47245 | TODO Oauth2 authentication protocol does not honors the defined port number in redirect URL in QGIS 3.22.1 | #46354 | works for me (left open) | HTML/String-ish QByteArray as result of expression function breaks expression preview display | #46174 | PR #47229 | TODO Raster layer exported to GeoPackage with the character 'ß' in the name is not immediately loaded in the project | #45965 | works for me (closed) | Layout Attribute Table sorting does not work in Print Layouts when column name has spaces | #43744 | PR #47249 | TODO Incorrect scale range legend after applying logarithmic graduated symbology to a vector layer | #45454 | PR #47259 | Risky? fix server crash | unreported | PR #47271 | TODO Load QGIS project from command line from a PostgreSQL project | #47270 | PR #47272 | TODO Aggregate function with filter doesn't work in layout manager | #45552 | Works for me (closed) | Value map widget: "value"/"description" inconsistency when table added to print layouts | #41798 | PR #47300 | TODO Missing entries in attributetable in layout with atlas at page break | #44086 | PR #47303 | TODO Server OAPIF: bbox filter isn't working if data source CRS is not EPSG:4326/WGS84 | #47302 | PR #47318 | TODO Drag & Drop designer control visibility by expression with field IS NOT NULL doesn't work if the field is configured with html | #47363 | PR #47432 | Risky?

This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

This feature was developed by Alessandro Pasotti