Project: QGIS

Version: 3.24

Feature: Randomized point offsets for point pattern fills

This (optional) setting allows each point in a point pattern fill to be randomly shifted up to the specified maximum distance in the x or y direction. You can specify the maximum offset in millimeters, points, map units, or even "percentage" units (where percentage is relative to the pattern width or height).

You can set an optional random number seed to avoid the symbol patterns "jumping" around between map refreshes. Data defined overrides are also supported.

The main difference between this new setting and the existing random marker fill symbol type is that the random offset with a point pattern allows for quasi-"regular" placement of markers -- because the points in the pattern are effectively constrained to a grid, this allows creation of semi-random fills which don't have empty areas or overlapping markers. (As opposed to the random marker fill, which will always place points completely randomly... sometimes resulting in visual clusters of points or unwanted empty areas).

This feature was funded by North Road, thanks to SLYR

This feature was developed by Nyall Dawson