Project: QGIS

Version: 3.18

Feature: Eye dome lighting

Eyedome lighting (EDL) is a post-processing effect which compares the depth of each pixel (distance from the camera) with the neighboring pixel depths and highlights edges according to the calculated differences.

An EDL configuration element has been added to the advanced settings tab of the 3D view configuration dialog. EDL strength has the effect of increasing the contrast, allowing for better depth perception (which may need to be adjusted when zooming in). EDL distance is the distance of the used pixels from the center pixel and it has the effect of making edges thicker.

The eye dome lighting is, by principle, an image-based rendering solution similar to SSAO (screen space ambient occlusion), and therefore works on the whole scene and doesn't differ between point clouds or regular 3D objects.

This feature was funded by Lutra Consulting

This feature was developed by Lutra Consulting (Nedjima Belgacem)