Project: QGIS

Version: 3.16

Feature: Detect GRASS installation folder on MacOS

MacOS previously had a platform-specific custom parameter setting Grass7Utils.GRASS_FOLDER. This caused crashes for many users with multiple QGIS installations or hat had some invalid folder settings. The parameter has been removed and a GISBASE environment variable has been introduced instead, which is commonly used in GRASS scripts as the "root" installation directory, emulating the behavior used for GRASS detection in Windows environments. If GISBASE is not present (default), a search is performed for grass folders in QgsApplication.prefixPath() (when packaged in bundle format). If not found, the standalone GRASS instance is searched for. The new behaviour for GRASS is in-line with te methodology used for the GDAL and SAGA processing tools.

This resolves Issue 38595.

This feature was developed by Lutra Consulting (Peter Petrik)