Project: QGIS

Version: 2.6.0

Feature: Composer Table improvements

  • You can now set table header and content font colors.
  • Tables can now be split across multiple frames, allowing their content to be distributed over columns or over different pages.
  • Added option show headers on first frame, all frames, or no frames.
  • Allow manual control of column widths.
  • New options for table source, including current atlas feature and child features from a relation.
  • Choice of behaviour for empty tables, include hiding the entire table, showing empty cells, or displaying a set message in the table body.
  • Added a checkbox to filter table features to those which intersect the current atlas feature.
  • Added checkbox to remove duplicate rows from table.

Note that tables in existing projects are not automatically updated to the new table format which supports these features, and tables must be readded to a composition for the new settings to appear.